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Session (Ruling Elders)

FPCE Nominating Committee 2022

Members of the Nominating Committee

John Jackson - Committee Chair

Dalton Yancey - Session Liasson

Bryan Ferguson

Doris Barrell

Jeanne Thomas

Congregations elect Ruling Elders as “persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership and being compassionate in spirit” (G-2.0301).

They are called to ministry in partnership with Ministers of the Word and Sacrament. Within

this calling, ruling elders have responsibilities in several areas of the life of the church, including exercise in leadership, governance, spiritual discernment, and discipline.

The existence of these ordered ministries (Deacons and Presbyters) in no way diminishes the importance of all members' commitment to the church's total ministry. The government of this church is representative, and the right of God’s people to elect presbyters and deacons is inalienable. Therefore, no person can be placed in any ordered ministry in a congregation

or council of the church except by election of that body.



George Trenfield was raised on a ranch in Lipscomb County, Texas and by his parents and the Village of good Christian people of Follett, Texas. A graduate of Texas Tech University with a degree in Ag Economics and minors in Animal Science and Ag Education. He was a Member of United Methodist Church. After 13 years of ranching, he left Follett and eventually landed in Florida, teaching Agriscience and advising Umatilla Future Farmers of America. After 22 years, he retired in 2009. In 2018 George and Denise joined FPCE. In 2019 George became a Deacon. George and Denise have served as greeters and food preparers for Gary's congregational suppers. George helps Elliott's CSK team. George and Denise are currently on the communion committee. George does his best to follow God's will and believes the lord leads him.

Timothy Holifield received a Bachelor of Science degree with a dual major in Mathematics and Physics from Stetson University in 2010. He has spent the last 12 years working on numerous technologies focused on sensors and sensor platforms. In 2018, he co-founded SafePointe; an AI-driven security technology company focused on concealed weapons detection for the commercial market. Timothy was raised and baptized in a Southern Baptist church however has been attending FPC Eustis since late 2011, when he and his wife Joy began leading worship in the Crossing. He previously served on Session from 2014-2016, as well as on the Interim Pastor Nominating Committee. In addition to helping to lead contemporary worship, he now serves on the Finance and Christian Education committees. He and Joy live in Eustis with their three boys. When not working or chasing those kids around, Timothy enjoys playing video games and playing music with family and friends.

Ann Ford. I work full-time as an RN at AdventHealth Waterman. I have been a nurse for a little over 40 years, first in the Emergency department and now in Home Health. When I am not working, I enjoy movies, gardening and home improvement (I wish I were a better handyman). I have a dog (Coco) and a cat (Stella) and they can keep me busy too! I am a big Boston REDSOX fan! I was drawn to FPCE because of the community outreach that I saw this church doing, and wanted to be a part of that. I started attending just before Mario came to the church in the summer of 2018. I volunteer with CSK on the first Friday of the month and have enjoyed volunteering for VBS. I attend the contemporary service. I also belong to the Tuesday night Women's bible study. I have developed friendships that are dear to my heart. I feel like I have gained so much from being part of FPCE (my) church family.

Gary Harvison has attended First Presbyterian Church of Eustis since 1961 while living in the area. I was active in Sunday School and the Youth programs until I graduated high school in 1974. I have served on session twice serving as head of the Christian Education Committee and Fellowship Committee; during those times, I am currently active with the Fellowship and Mission committees. I attend the 11:00 Traditions service and help with the Usher duties when needed and help with call to worship and serve communion when asked. I recently retired but looking to get back to work now that some family illness is improving. My hobbies include cooking, primarily bar-b-que, but I really enjoy feeding others. I enjoy being with my family and friends sharing and making new memories.


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