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Upcoming December 10th

Writer's picture: Mario BolivarMario Bolivar

DEDICATION SUNDAY | Sunday, December 10th (During Each Worship)

Today, during our worship services at 8 am, 9:30 am, and 11 am, within the "Generosity" element of worship. Pastor Mario will lead us in a well-rounded moment of prayer and guided meditation to consider our lives as followers and disciples of Christ. Today, while the tension of conflict and peace dwells within us, we step forward in allegiance to the work of God for the sake of the kingdom of God and the proclamation of God's love in the world.

LUNCH AFTER CHURCH | Sunday, Dec. 10th at 12:45 pm (TODAY!)

Family of faith, this is another opportunity to celebrate our unity in Christ! Join us for fellowship and good food at The Crazy Gator, 402 N. Bay St., Eustis, FL 32726—a Dutch treat lunch for those who wish to gather with their family of faith soon after worship.

GRIEFSHARE at FPCEustis | Monday, December 11th, 3:30 - 5 pm (Church's Gathering Place)

We invite you to join our GriefShare program, a supportive and faith-based journey through grief after the loss of a loved one. Our program includes video sessions, group discussions, and workbooks to help you explore healing and hope in your grief.

ADVENT BIBLE STUDY | Tuesday, December 12th, 2- 3 PM - Session III

Keep Christ in Christmas with this Bible study led by Pastor Mario. Meet us in the church's Gathering Place during Advent to explore the concept of "Incarnation." We recommend reading "Incarnation" by Adam Hamilton. These sessions are taken from one book; each gathering is a standalone session, thanks to the study guides provided by Pastor Mario. This week, we will discuss the presence of God "Emmanuel" God with us, even amid a pandemic.

FPCE Presbyterian Women (PW) | Tuesday, Dec. 19th at 10:00 am.

Our monthly PW meeting will be held in the Gathering Place at 10 am, followed by a luncheon and white elephant gift exchange. Call Joan Scott at 352-360-3247 if you have any questions.

HEIFER INTERNATIONAL | Alternative Giving During Advent

This Ministry offers a unique way to honor your loved ones while making a transformative impact. Your contribution provides essential livestock, training, and resources to families in need, helping them break the cycle of poverty. It's a gesture that extends far beyond the festive season, creating lasting change worldwide. Meet Barb and Dalton Yancey after worship for more information and take the first step towards a gift that truly keeps on giving.

OVERALL CHURCH FINANCE UPDATE | By the end of October 2023

Total Revenue $476,368 - Total Expenditures $513,903 - Difference ($37,535)

Through October, our expenditures have exceeded our revenue and have depleted our unrestricted reserves despite the good stewardship from committees, staff, and the Session. This does not include the contributions or expenditures for the Sanctuary Roof Project, which met the goal of raising $125K for the necessary Sanctuary repairs. We continue to trust God, and we give thanks for the generous congregation that we have. To God be the Glory!

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