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Generous Abundance

Dalton Yancy

What a wonderful Easter Worship Service that included a cross full of spring flowers, an Easter egg hunt, another inspiring sermon from Pastor Mario Bolivar, amazing music by our talented musicians and the altar almost circled in hydrangeas. Awesome!

Traditionally, we have had Easter Lillies for the flowers which many in our congregation donated in memory or honor of loved ones, but this year, we featured the beautiful blue hydrangeas.

Do you know what the hydrangea means in the language of flowers? They represent gratitude, grace and beauty. They also radiate ABUNDANCE because of the lavish number of flowers and the generous round shape. Their color symbolize love, harmony and peace.

It is fitting that the hydrangea was selected this Easter to help us celebrate that Christ is Risen. We live in a time of abundance. Recently someone posted on the Internet, that if we have a roof over our head and some food to eat, we live in a time of abundance compared to the people of the world. Think about it. Remember that our generosity is a reflection of God’s love and His gracious gift of Jesus.

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