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Dalton Yancy

Pastor Mario, in this week’s sermon, “Get Set,” made a wise illustration of how things happen successfully with “PARTNERSHIPS.” His example was the host of “invisibles” who are involved in a foot race to make it occur positively. Sometimes we don’t think about ALL the players in an event, function or outreach. It takes time, talent and treasure for them to be successful.

In Mario’s illustration, we have not just the runner, but many individuals who help make the race thrive. The starter, the other officials, the water team, the race electronic-timer staff, the crowd of cheering spectators, promoters, the medal and prize team, the coaches, emergency medical professionals and security staff, along with the sponsors who help fund the race. So, it is not just the runner, but the whole team of helpers who make it happen!

We, at First Presbyterian Church, Eustis are just like that team of helpers. We are able to make all the mission areas, outreach, Christian Education, children, youth and family efforts come to pass bountifully because of our time, talent and treasure. As Mario related, “we SHOW Love because we KNOW Love.” We were reminded that Jesus commanded us to Love one another.

Here are some of the “partnership” entities we support: The Lifeboat Project (Human Trafficking in Central Florida), Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Lake Cares Food Bank, Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic (Unplanned Pregnancies), Habitat for Humanity, Open Door, Mom’s Morning Out, Vacation Bible School, the Fall Community Event (Fall Fest), Center Street Kitchen, Alcoholics Anonymous, the Heifer Project, One Great Hour of Sharing, Support Our Troops, and more.

In any of the above, you may not be the “runner” but because of your time, talent and treasure, you can share in the success of all of them! And all of them function successfully with your support. Like the folks who organize a 5K Race, we all have a role in becoming a “partner.”

As we turn to our Annual Campaign, it is incumbent for us to pick up an “Intention Card” fill it out and make our intentions known to our leaders so they may plan the work God intends for us to accomplish here in 2022. Check out our website, pick up a card, share your intention of time, talent and treasure — be a partner!

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