This past Sunday, our congregation with the encouragement of our Session, “Passed the Offering Plate,” a signal that as the pandemic slows, we are moving to renew some of our pre-pandemic practices. Praise God!
We heard yesterday from a member of the Generosity Team, Tim Holifield, who related to us that as we move into next year, we respond “not out of fear” but with confidence that God will provide for the mission He wants for us here at First Presbyterian Church, Eustis.
Gary Harvison told us about the joy he receives in working with the Fellowship Team to prepare delicious, good food for all of our events and how he helps his family by serving them as he was served as a younger person.
Pastor Mario preached a great sermon kicking off our Annual Campaign, “Take Your Mark!” His sermon described how great athletes get ready by being at their peak for championships. They prepare, they go, and they finish the race. Our Pastor also reminded us that our efforts over the years, and especially during the preceding two years, were “not in vain.” That is, our church has endured and is now finishing this race with programs, ministry, and preaching that have continued during hard and challenging times. God was with us. As Jesus said in the scripture from Matthew 28:19-20, “I will always be with you…”
So, as we prepare to complete our Intentions to respond to the campaign with time, talents and treasure, let us not be fearful of our future and remember the saints who have preceded us who endured, pressed onward and were successful.
Pick up an “Intention” card, pray about what you can do for God’s mission and respond with “Intentions” for time, talent and treasure.