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"The Summer Worship Playlist."

Get ready for an electrifying summer with our new sermon series!

Imagine the uplifting rhythms of faith, the melodies of scripture, and the harmonies of God's word, all blended together for a summer full of joy, exploration, and inspiration. We understand that often; a tune lingers longer in our minds than a verse. This series aims to remind us that faith is not only a solemn undertaking but also a vibrant celebration of life, all with a melodious twist.

During our journey in the Easter season, we reflected on our roles as members of God's global choir, with the world as His congregation. We realized that when we sing, we don't just raise our voices; we lift our souls, harmonizing in divine symphony.

In the wake of Pentecost, we experienced how the Holy Spirit rains upon us, kindling a flame of prophecy in the young and evoking dreams in the old. We danced the dance of the Trinity, a dance that speaks of unity, love, and God's clear invitation to us to move in synchrony with His rhythm.

Now, let's bring the vibrancy of music to our understanding of the scripture that fuels our faith. Let's delve into the beats of resilience, the chords of courage, the verses of love, and the tunes of hope that have resounded through generations. The "Summer Playlist" sermon series will resonate with the living word of God, turning our hearts into lyres, finely tuned to His eternal melody. Come, be a part of this harmonious journey and let's amplify God's music together!

June 11th - Second Sunday After Pentecost

"Great is Thy Faithfulness"

June 18th - Third Sunday After Pentecost

"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"

With Rev. Dr. Carmelo Mercado

June 25th - Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

"This is My Father's World"

With Ruling Elder Doris Barrell

July 2nd - Fifth Sunday After Pentecost

"Amazing Grace"

July 9th - Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

"Go Tell It On the Mountain"

Scripture: Isaiah 52: 4-12

July 16th - Seventh Sunday After Pentecost

"To God Be The Glory"

Scripture: Acts 3: 1-11

July 23rd - Eight Sunday After Pentecost

"Joy To the World"

Scripture: Acts 7: 51-59

July 30th - Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

"No. 1 Son From Top 10 Survey"

One United Worship at 10:30 AM in Sanctuary

Cover dish Luncheon, Fellowship Hall at 11:30 AM

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