Re-starts on August 10th - Wednesdays Bible Study 7 PM
We have explored the first twelve chapters of the book of Revelation, which are available on-demand on our website and youtube channel. The plan is to read Revelation 13 on August 10th, 2022. If you need to catch up the summer is the time!
Lesson Videos and Work Sheets can be found below!
About this study -- The book of Revelation is either the most exciting or the most frustrating book of the Scriptures to explore. It can be exciting when looking at prophecy fulfilled or frustrating when you’re confused about what is literal, symbolic, what is future, and what is past. It can also be the most divisive book of the Bible because of differing interpretations. Our idea is to explore this book together, TOGETHER is the keyword, and we will do it chapter by chapter. We meet in the Church's Gathering Place (Near Sanctuary)
Important: If you would like to join us online, call the church office at 352-357-2833
This study is in-person (and now also on Zoom). However, we will record the study and make it available online. Pastor Mario will lead the study, and as preparation, we ask that you read the book of Daniel, and if you are able, also the book of Ezekiel. This study is open to beginners and well-informed believers alike.
Quick summary about each of the Churches - Chapter 2-3 Map of Location of the Seven Churches - Chapter 2-3 Worksheet Study for Revelation - Download
