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Writer's pictureMario Bolivar

"You Had Me at Hello.'"

7th Sunday of Easter, May 16th (Series Final)

“You had me at hello” is a line from the 1996 movie “Jerry Maguire." It is the typical story of a person (Jerry) that tries to win the world, ends up losing himself until the moment of epiphany where he realizes that living for one-self is meaningless and leads to sure destruction. The “You had me at hello” line implies that none of the things that were previously said matter. That everything had been forgotten and that the “hello” was simple enough. The line is meant to imply that where there is love nobody needs to be convinced - people only need contact, to be connected.

This is important, because often what people need from us, is for you and me “to make contact.” In the same way, for us to acknowledge that the thing that God wants the most is for us to be in contact with God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Lesson (John 17: 13-19) takes us back to a time before the Crucifixion. A time where it was revealed to us that not only Jesus is our “High Priest” but that we have been given the task to continue God’s work as part of the “Priesthood of all believers.” (See, 1 Peter 2:9)

The High Priest was a well-known office in the Old Testament. The high priest was the chief religious’ representative in the temple, who had the privilege and authority to enter “Sacred Places.” Now, this matters because through Christ we have been given the authority and privilege to also enter into “Sacred Places” e.g. to bring joy in the midst of sadness, purpose in the midst of chaos, and peace in the midst of failure.

The “I am coming to you” (17:13) talks about Jesus' final departure, Ascension. The “I have given them your word.” (17:14) talks about how Jesus equips the available. The “I’m not asking you to take them out of the world.” (17:15) Talks about our field of work. The “I am sending them into the world.” (17:18) Talks about our Commission. And the “And I give myself as a holy sacrifice for them so they can be made holy by your truth. (17:19) Talks about why and how everything we do is possible.

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