FPCE August 22, 2022 Session Meeting Summary
Ann Rou, Roger Paul, Doris Barrell and Lydia Alfrey met with Session and initiated dialogue about the aged condition of the doors and windows in the sanctuary. Session is currently waiting for a few quotes for the work that needs to be done to repair and restore the doors and is discussing ways to finance these projects. The conversation will continue at the next Session meeting.
The Session received and reviewed the Congregation Vitality study that we participated in several months ago. 131 surveys were returned, and the study is packed full of information. We are working with the Presbytery to schedule a time for them to help us digest and analyze the information which will then be shared with the entire congregation.
We are excited to announce that Jeramie Toussaint has been hired as part time maintenance caretaker. We currently do not have a Property Committee and the Session is looking for volunteers to step up so we can reestablish this vital group.
Our church Treasurer, Richard Paul, provided our current financial information. Currently our church is deficit spending. We are spending more than we are receiving. The Finance Committee has been looking at the situation and recently Session moved some funds from restricted status to the available funds. We are changing the way we are reporting our finances in the bulletins. Our goal is to help us better inform the congregation about out financial situation. The Session has asked all committees to find ways to reduce spending. The past two years we received financial assistance from the government ($80,000+ each year) that is no longer available.