On May 28th --- We will celebrate the day of Pentecost, a time to rediscover our spiritual calling and welcome the Holy Spirit's presence and blessings.
Pentecost, an occasion of great significance in the Christian tradition, beckons us to acknowledge and honor the Spirit of God. It provides a remarkable opportunity for followers, disciples, and apostles to recommit themselves to the Great Commission. This weekend, we gather in gratitude to affirm that God has been and will continue to be with us, guiding and inspiring our Church.
Celebrate with us by wearing something red, and preparing to participate in an above-and-beyond special offering to benefit "The Open Door," which is a drop-in center for individuals and families in Lake County who are homeless or in situations of risk located near our Church. Moreover, as an integral part of the day's events, Pastor Mario will invite those available to participate in a ceremony of Anointing, a biblical tradition with multiple purposes, special music during Traditions at 11 AM, a new family for membership during First Light 8 AM and excellent breakfast food for our contemporary worship at 9:30 AM.
By the way, if the celebration of "Annointing" is new to you. Know that it is mentioned in Exodus 28:41, Matthew 6:17, Luke 10:34, and Mark 16:1, and it serves as a means of rededicating one's life, preparing for upcoming challenges, and seeking healing for the body and mind. The power of anointing does not lie in the oil used or the person performing it; instead, it resides in the name under which the anointing is conducted "In teh name of God". This upcoming Worship Service promises to be awe-inspiring, a testament to the glory of God. We earnestly pray that you choose to join us on this momentous occasion.
Let us come together and reflect upon the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Church with a mighty rush of wind and flame, igniting the proclamation of Christ's resurrection and empowering the mission and ministry to the world.