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Gifts from God

Dalton Yancy

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

A small group of us have been studying First Corinthians on Tuesday mornings. This study group is open to all and lead by our own Pastor Mario Bolivar. You may join by ZOOM or FaceBook and may review previous sessions by accessing our church website. We have just completed our 50th week of study.

Recently we discussed I Corinthians, Chapter 12, concerning spiritual gifts and through this discussion, we were reminded of God’s best and most significant gift, our savior Jesus Christ. Remember Isaiah’s statement in Chapter 9:6: “For unto us a child is born, a son is ‘given’…. Many of us have heard the famous Christian musical work by George Handel —The Messiah. It is a very moving composition. Some refer to this movement as “The Gift.”

In our bible study one of many topics among I Corinthians, Chapter 12 was about Paul’s admonition to the early Christians in Corinth about “unity” and how we are all gifted with talents and abilities and none of these are more important than another. The Apostle Paul then relates our God given spiritual gifts as parts of the body of Christ. The eye is not an arm, but both are important. This instruction by Paul, refers to all members of the church which Paul likens to Christ. The important part of this chapter is that we are ALL important and each one of us has an important purpose in Knowing and Showing Jesus, the ultimate gift from God.

As we begin the New Year, let us remember God’s great gift which we just celebrated a few days ago, and remember that as we go forward, we are all important in God’s mission and ministries in our membership and work here in First Presbyterian Church, Eustis.

This brings me to gently remind us that our church leaders need our financial estimates of giving so that they may make wise decisions for this year’s needs for our community. If you have not informed the church of your plan of support for the missions and ministries of First Church please do so as soon as possible. We are all called to be a part of God’s work. Let us not sit on the sidelines! Let’s make a difference!!

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