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Going Deeper Into Prayer

Joy Holifield

There is immense power in prayer. Prayer draws us into a deep relationship with God and He satisfies our deepest longings. When we are honest and open with God, this kind of prayer draws us closer to the heart of God and helps us become more like Him. It is a place that lets us hear the Father’s voice and direction for our lives, a place where He inspires us and gives us answers, and it is a place we can repent and be forgiven of our sins. The more time we spend in prayer and relationship with God, the more we are changed and transformed into who God created us to be.

A resource that has drawn me into a deeper relationship with God is, “On Our Knees: 40 Days to Living Boldly in Prayer”, by Phil Wickham. It explores biblical stories from Genesis to Revelation to learn about prayer from the heroes of our faith, including Moses, King David, and many more. How did these "heroes of the faith" pray? How did Jesus teach us to pray? Each entry in On Our Knees helps readers establish their own daily prayer routines, ultimately encouraging the lifelong practice of prayer as a means of connecting with and better understanding God.

This devotional highlights:

  • Jesus's teachings on prayer

  • Prayer as the foundation for faith

  • Finding intimacy with God

  • Following God's path for our lives

  • Praying with boldness and courage,

  • while also in humility and honesty

  • Letting go of anxiety and fear

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