6th Sunday after Pentecost - July 17th, 2022
"We All Need One Another" Read Philippians 2:1-11
Let us get ready for the fourth installment of our summer sermon series. The scripture for exploration for Sunday, July 24th is Phillipians 2: 1-11, which the Apostle Paul wrote to express his gratitude and affection for the Philippian church, his strongest supporters in ministry. Scholars agree that Paul drafted this Epistle during his two years of house arrest in Rome. Anyhow, the general desire for Paul was, "Let's All Get On The Same Page." Which is the title of our lesson and chapter IV of the book "Change your world" by John Maxwell.
Chapter IV begins with what is often recognized as an influential African Proverb. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Which some leadership commentators have tweaked it to say, "If you wanna grow fast, lead alone. If you want to grow far, lead together." -- Either way, I believe the point gets across... You have to decide or determine your journey's "PATH" (Fast vs. Far) and "VEHICLE"(Alone vs. Together.)
The Apostle Paul and John Maxwell are telling us the same thing... "Far and together" is the way; not that the first option is a wrong choice... it is just that the "Far and Together" is deeply more Christ-like, it is the more purposeful way. See Philippians 2: 5-11.
"Far and Together" is why the Apostle is taking the time to write from jail and why John Maxwell encourages us to change our world first. Maxwell says, "We wanted to motivate and equip you to make a difference right now in your community. Second, we wanted to encourage you to change your community with others." see Pg. 84 -- Both Maxwell and the Apostle are saying this. See Philippians 2: 3.
Church, "Let's All Get On The Same Page"... "Far and Together" is better. You have to realize that people go to bars and gyms. People join clubs, sports, teams, and fantasy football leagues... why? "Because a shared sense of purpose creates an extra level of connection." Yet those purposes are not everlasting... Partying, working out, favorite team, clubs, and fantasy reality are finite. The only lasting thing is God, and God is love. See what Paul says about this idea of getting on the same page. See Philippians 2: 1-2.
This idea is highly connected to our lesson from last week, but it is not the same. We "All Need One Another" (Week #3) is a step in the right direction; the following step is for everyone to "get on the same page" (Week #4) -- why? Because all human beings are always searching for meaning, and busyness, money, and fame are not satisfying. However, a life of purpose in Christ it is.
If you read Chapter IV, you will see complementing evidence of the Inevitable Return, Pg. 86 of choosing to go "Far and Together," however the book also shares why some attempts do not work, Pg. 88.
It is going to be edifying; join us!
