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Meet Our Recently Ordained Elders and Deacons

Writer's picture: Tracy HofmeisterTracy Hofmeister


Jessica Anderson

Jessica Anderson is married to William Anderson and they share two children together, Abby (age 7) and Brice (age 3). Jessica first came to FPCE to attend MOPS after Abby was born. After attending several MOPS meetings, Jessica and William began attending church services at FPCE and became members. They enjoyed the family atmosphere of the church as several other families with small children also attended service on Sunday. Jessica is an attorney with Cole, Scott, & Kissane. She has practiced employment law for the past 12+ years. William is a retired law enforcement officer. Jessica and William enjoy traveling, boating and helping others in need. Jessica and William received a significant amount of community support after William was injured in the line of duty 5 years ago, and they continue to look for ways to pay it forward. Jessica is excited to help work towards increasing the number of families with children who attend the church and expanding family activities put on by the church.

Bob Curry

I am a retired school principal in Lake County. I have been a member of FPCE for 20 years. I previously served on session from 2012-2014. I chaired the committee that started the “Crossing” and played in the praise band for three years. I'm married to Melissa St. Louis-Curry who was raised in our church. Combined, we have 3 children and one grandchild. During my spare time I enjoy woodworking and flying my paramotor.

Alesandra Saunders

My late husband and I moved from Winter Park to Lake County in 2002. We transferred our membership from Winter Park Presbyterian to First Presbyterian Eustis not too long after.

I have had the pleasure of serving as Clerk of Session for the past 10 years or so. Prior to my service as Clerk, I was on Session for 5 years, stepping in to complete a resigning Elders class and serving an additional three year term. Over the past 15 years, I have been involved with the Children's Ministry, Fellowship Team, Center Street Kitchen and various other fun projects along the way. This church gave my life purpose and an anchor when my husband passed away. I was never short on faith, I just needed to worship with like minded Christians. I am a regular attendee at the traditional service. The music and liturgy feed me. Professionally, I am a registered nurse at Waterman working as Assistant Nurse Manager on the oncology unit, where I get to show that I know Jesus every day.

Doris Barrell

Doris joined the church about 15 years ago after attending a Maundy Thursday service. She's been in the choir ever since! Doris is a current member of the session and served three years once before. Currently she heads up the Worship & Music team and is a member of the Fellowship Team. Active with the Presbyterian Women Bible Study group, Doris helps set up for congregational dinners, and assists with Special Receptions. She's married to Jim Barrell. Between them, they have 6 kids, 9 grands, and 3 greats!


Richard and Lisa Head

Richard and Lisa have been active members in First Presbyterian Eustis for 43 years. They were both baptized and married in the church. Lisa was raised in the church and Richard joined after they were married in 1977. Over the years they have both served as Elders and were members of the Pastor nominating committee. They have taught Sunday School to the youth and participated in Center Street Kitchen. Richard has served as Head Usher and Lisa has been active in Presbyterian Women for many years. In their new role as Deacons, they will strive to reach out to their flock and nurture them.

Elliott Owens

As a family, we've attended FPCE many years. We finally joined about 13 years ago by way of transfer of letter from First Presbyterian Church in Gainesville. There, we were in charge of the youth group, being younger then, we had lots of fun.

A few years ago I was selected to be an elder in the church, during that time I was serving on the Mission committee; I am still a member. During the time as an elder, I was in charge of the deacons fund for the session. That was a rewarding time and sometimes very depressing.

During the past year, I’ve been participating in the weekly bible study group. I’ve certainly enjoyed this as well as learned a lot about the bible from Mario. I continue to be a better follower of Christ and to show the love of Christ to people I encounter.

I’ve been involved with Center Street Kitchen since it’s beginning, and will again when we are able to start it up. I make the best iced tea and coffee. Going forward, we as a church, need to continue to know God, show God and support our church in any way we can. We will take care of our current members and strive to grow those numbers as we meet new members of our community. As a Realtor, I meet many new people and encourage them to attend our church.

I look forward to this new position and hope to serve the flock any way I can.

Ann Ford

I was born in Maine and am an Army brat. My dad served in WW2 and Korea and was disabled. I have 2 brothers who both live in Maine. My dad retired to Orlando and we mostly grew up here. I have worked in Lake County for more than 30 years. I have been a registered nurse for 40 years. Most of my career was split between the Emergency Department and Home Care Services. I really enjoy all sports (although my favorite is baseball) and my favorite teams are RED SOX, PATRIOTS, and CELTICS. I was blessed with wonderful parents and a great family. I currently live in Mount Dora. I look forward to having more free time again (when pandemic starts to resolve) and enjoy working around the house (out in the yard and general home improvement). I love my furry family too. I have 2 rescue dogs and a rescue cat. All have some kind of disability (mostly they are just goofy). I like being active and being outside. I feel like God has really directed me to this point in my life. I did not have a church family until I started going to FPCE and I am thankful for belonging to a church that believes in service to each other and the community.

I re read what I sent you and realized that I hadn't included my Mom. I so respected everything about her. She worked in the shipyards in Maine during WW2 and was the kindest person I ever knew! She took care of my Dad after he became disabled and is probably the reason I became a nurse. I was inspired by her and now always think about what she would do in times like these. She always persevered and I don't want to leave her out.

Anna Rust

I have been a Christian since10/12/86 when I was baptized at Pine Hills Christian Church. I am married to Steve Rust and we have been members at FPC Eustis for about 4 years, when Steve joined and I transferred my membership from Lake Square Presbyterian (Graceway). I was the Deacon of Hospitality for a bit, which required me to host our Advent and Easter Soup Suppers, arrange food for funerals, keep the kitchen in order and also visited our church members when they were in the hospital at Waterman, where I was working as a nurse at the time. I have not had the opportunity to participate in much at FPC Eustis because I was a travel nurse for the last 4 years traveling to California and different locations in Florida, but when I started back at AdventHealth Waterman permanently in January, I thought "this is the year", and then...we had a pandemic and things changed. I am looking forward to exploring how God can use me to help our church family in the new year.

George Trenfield

Hello my name is George Trenfield. My first career was in farming and ranching in the Texas Panhandle. In 1987 I accepted the teaching position of agriscience teacher/FFA Advisor at Umatilla High School. In 1990 Denise and I were married. In 2009 I retired from Umatilla High School. Denise and I have seasonal traveled our great nation since our retirements. We joined First Presbyterian Church Eustis 2 years ago. We enjoy serving our church where ever we are needed.

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