Here's a recap of Rev. Dr. Carmelo Mercado's sermon on July 28th, based on 2 Corinthians 4:5-6 by Rev. Mario Bolivar.
Rev. Dr. Mercado centered his sermon on the theme "Shining Like Jesus: His Seven Healthy Habits." He emphasized that as Christians, our focus should not be on ourselves but on Jesus Christ as Lord. This declaration was significant in a political context where Caesar was considered lord, contrasting with the Christian belief that Jesus is the true Lord.
He spoke of imitating Jesus through seven healthy habits. Firstly, Jesus exemplified knowledge, not only of scripture but also of people and situations. His ability to use scripture in context highlighted the importance of understanding and living out the Word rather than simply quoting it.
Secondly, Jesus was honest and straightforward, speaking truthfully with respect, even when addressing difficult realities. He challenged his disciples and followers to embrace the cost of discipleship without sugarcoating its challenges.
Thirdly, Jesus practiced non-anxious presence, remaining calm and composed in various situations. This calmness allowed him to navigate storms, feed thousands, heal the sick, and face false accusations without losing his peace.
Fourthly, Jesus was deeply missional, actively engaging with people where they were rather than waiting for them to come to Him. This mission-oriented approach was transformative, as seen in the early church's impact on the Roman Empire.
Fifthly, Jesus demonstrated flexibility, knowing when to move forward and when to let go. This adaptability enabled him to maintain focus on his mission amidst rejection and opposition.
Rev. Dr. Mercado also highlighted Jesus' compassion and inclusivity, emphasizing how Jesus' love and actions toward marginalized groups challenged societal norms and ultimately transformed communities.
In conclusion, Rev. Dr. Mercado encouraged all of us to embody these seven healthy habits in their daily lives, reflecting the light of Christ and impacting their communities as Jesus did.
This week, choose one of Jesus's seven habits that you find most challenging and make a conscious effort to practice it daily. Reflect on your experiences and share them with Pastor Mario or even post it on Social Media for accountability and share it with us!
1. How can we ensure we preach Jesus Christ and not ourselves?
2. Which of the seven habits of Jesus do you find most challenging to practice and why?
3. How can we gain more knowledge of Scripture and people daily?
4. Why is it essential to practice honesty in our relationships, and how can we do it respectfully?
5. Can you share when you had to practice non-anxious presence? How did it impact the situation?
6. What are some ways we can be more missional in our communities?
7. How can we incorporate relaxation and self-care into our busy lives as Jesus did?
1. We need situational awareness as much as we need Scripture knowledge
2. Honesty and authenticity were central to Jesus' interactions. Did you know that Jesus preached the most about hypocrisy?
3. One of the best ways to be a Christian is to practice a non-anxious presence for the sake of others. it helps others remain calm and collected in stressful situations.