We believe in showing our love for Jesus through our actions. As disciples of Jesus, we are encouraged by the Holy Spirit to spread love and offer support to the community.
Whether you’re a high school student looking to get volunteer hours, an adult seeking to make a positive impact in the community, a retiree wanting to pass on valuable lessons to the next generation, or anything in between seeking to contribute your time and talent because of what God is doing in your life... Our Church has a variety of ministries available that might like to should consider!

Audio Visual Volunteer
We are looking for volunteers that wish to be trained in the way of technology for audio and video. You don't need to be fluent in technology, only to have and be open to being coached by our industrious AV coordinator Barton Hill.
Interested? Email Barton at tech@fpceustis.com
Office Volunteer
Creating Bulletins, Returning Calls, Answering eMails, helping with day-to-day Church office operations.
Cheryl Matthews our amazing Administrative Assitant is always in need of new volunteers to help us be effective in our ministry! If you are a person that likes to work behind the scene let us know!
Interested? Email Cheryl at

Our Vision
To Reflect and Reveal the Love of Christ in all that we do. We believe that when you KNOW Jesus, you SHOW Jesus.
Membership at FPCEustis (PCUSA)
We have much to be thankful for and to share with others. Our worship services are distinct in styles, but we strive for excellence in all of them. We do music of all types, from Bach to Bluegrass. Our local and global ministries and missions aim to meet the needs of the people immediately around us as well as folks in far-off corners of God’s good Earth.
When wish to become a member of FPCE schedule a "Meet and Greet" with Pastor Mario by calling the Church Office at 352-357-2833
Membership FAQs
1. Do I need to be a member to participate in church activities?
Answer: No. Almost all of our activities are open to everyone. In fact, we encourage you to spend some time with us to make sure we are the right place for you to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ.
2. How do I become a member?
Answer: Three ways:
1) Public profession of faith in Jesus Christ and a commitment to grow in faith through the life and work of FPCE
2) Transfer of an existing membership in another Christian Church
3) Re-affirmation of a faith commitment made previously and renewed now.
3. What does it mean to be baptized? Do I need to be baptized?
Answer: Baptism is a Sacrament. Sacraments are God's gifts given to nurture our faith. Baptism is the "Visible sign of an invisible grace". It is one of the seals of God's covenant with us in Christ. As a PCUSA congregation, we believe in the baptism of all believers despite their age. Baptism is not a "guarantee" of salvation, rather it is a wonderful sign of God's electing love. We recognize previous baptisms and do not require re-baptism. While it is a very important part of our faith life, we conduct baptisms in whatever way makes you feel comfortable in the presence of the congregation for the Glory of God.
4. Can I simply be included on your membership roll even if I do not intend to be a regular participant?
Answer: You may participate in church life at whatever level you like as a non-member. When you become a member, we encourage and work with you to find a way to be an active participant in many ways.
5. What costs are involved in membership?
Answer: We do not have an admission fee but we are a member-supported ministry. We rely on our congregation and guest to support our Great Commission Matthew 28:16-20.
6. What if I don’t fit in? Am I trapped in a long-term commitment?
Answer: We’re pretty certain you’ll find a place to fit in. If not, we encourage folks to find a place that meets their spiritual needs. If that happens to you, we will commend you to the care of another Christian church, even if we are sad to see you go.
7. What if I have other questions?
Answer: Ask!! We are not afraid to think with you. In fact, we like our members to think deeply about all aspects of their lives. We are not opposed to stretching with you to learn new things.
8. What do I do if I am ready to become a member?
Answer: Call the church office 352-357-2833 and schedule a meeting with the pastor or email pastor@fpceustis.com.