This past Sunday, five of our teenagers made the decision to make their faith their own. Not only did they say yes to continue following Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but they also said yes to joining FPC Eustis as members through Confirmation. Confirmation is a special time in the life of young people who make their own profession of faith and become part of a local church. It is a confirmation of a faith journey that began at baptism and continues throughout our whole lives. Confirmation is an opportunity to celebrate the youth of our church and their decision to make a public profession of faith.
In our time together, we learned that teenagers are not too young to make their faith their own. They are capable of a meaningful, genuine faith that can not only change their life but can change the lives of others along the way. No matter where you come from, how old you are, how much experience you have, or even what other people say or think about you, remember that you’re not too young to have faith in God. You’re not too young to be used by God. You’re not too young to make a difference. And you’re not too young to be an example.
We learned how Paul encouraged Timothy in his ministry. Paul reminded Timothy that he had the ability to set an example of faith for everyone. We also had several elders and adults join us throughout our day and encourage our youth with their own stories of faith. We will all join together on October 30th in a combined worship service at 10:30 in the Sanctuary as we welcome these teenagers through Confirmation. Please celebrate with us.