We are excited to invite you to join us for our upcoming sermon series, "Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith." At our loving and open-to-exploring-faith congregation, we believe that doubts are not the enemies of faith but can be stepping stones to a deeper, richer relationship with God. We understand that everyone grapples with questions like, "Is there a God?" "Does heaven even exist?" "Why is there suffering?" and many more. This series aims to provide a safe space for you to explore these doubts and seek answers together.
Our journey begins on January 7th, when we'll ask, "Is there a God?" We'll delve into Psalm 19:1-6, acknowledging the value of doubt and addressing the relationship between science and faith. We'll explore the role of personal experience in strengthening our faith in God.
On January 14th, during the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, we will tackle the question of "Wrestling With The Bible." Drawing from 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we'll explore the nature of Scripture and its human aspects. We'll encourage you to recognize and value these aspects while also helping you wrestle faithfully and fruitfully with the challenging parts of the Bible.
On January 21st (One Worship at 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary, with a luncheon afterward in our fellowship hall), during the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, our sermon titled "Where Are They Going?" will delve into Christian teaching about the eternal fate of non-Christians. We'll challenge exclusivist views emphasizing God's love and the evaluation of individuals based on their hearts and lives. We will explore mercy over the law once again.
As we move into January 28th, the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, we'll explore the question, "Does Heaven Even Exist?" referencing John 14:1-3. We'll examine biblical descriptions of heaven and other evidence of life after death, including near-death experiences. We'll point to the resurrection of Jesus as compelling evidence of our future with God.
February 4th, the 5th Sunday after Epiphany, brings us "Unanswered Prayers" based on Luke 11:1-4. We'll dive into the reality of unanswered prayer, exploring Jesus's teachings on prayer and our expectations. We'll clarify how prayer works and its true nature and purpose, leading to a deeper appreciation of its power.
On February 11th, the Transfiguration of the Lord, our sermon titled "Why is there Suffering?" from John 9:1-3 will address the reality of suffering in our world. We'll explore its sources and challenge the notion that faith exempts us from suffering. Instead, we'll focus on God's response to suffering, offering comfort, peace, and healing through the promise of resurrection.
We encourage you to join us not only for the sermons but also in our small groups. In these groups, you'll have the opportunity to explore your questions, share your doubts, and find support from fellow seekers on this faith journey.
Remember, doubt is not the enemy of faith. It's an invitation to trust in God, who can lead us to profound revelations and a deeper understanding of His love and grace. We look forward to having you with us as we wrestle with doubt and find faith together.
Small Groups
Sundays, 10:45-11:45 AM; Fellowship Hall Room “A” - Begins Jan. 7th, 2024
Sundays, 4:30-6 PM; House of Melissa and Bob Curry - Begins Jan. 7th, 2024
Tuesdays, 2-3:30 PM; Fellowship Hall Room “A” - Begins Jan. 9th, 2024
Thursday Women’s Group, 6-8 PM; FH - Room “A” - Begins Jan. 11th, 2024
