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Same God

Joy Holifield

Same God was written from the truth of what God spoke in Malachi 3:6:

I, The LORD do not change."

Would you take some time to look back over your life and remember all that He has done? It might be overwhelming to try to count all the times and ways He's been faithful. We all have our unique faith journey with God, no matter how old or new we are to the faith.

We are a part of a great cloud of witnesses who get to testify that the Lord “keeps his covenant of love to a thousand generations.” The same God who gave David courage to face Goliath stands with us today. He answers prayers and provides for His children the same way He did when the Israelites were in the desert. I’m so thankful that we can have confidence that His love toward us will never run out or change.

If you’re feeling stuck in your faith, or experiencing doubt because you can’t see or feel how God is moving right now, I encourage you to hold on. He cares so much for you, and will remain faithful to every promise. God still wants to prove that He can work wonders and make a way for a miracle even when we don’t see it yet. Whether you’re in a place to believe it or you’re needing to borrow some faith from the stories of old, He promises to remain the same.

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