Immerse yourself in scripture's transformative power with These Days, featuring insightful reflections by clergy and lay leaders. Available for July, August, and September, it's your guide to nurturing faith and enriching your soul. Grab your free copy now and embark on a meaningful journey of spiritual wisdom and inspiration! Copies are available at entryways and the church office, or call 352-357-2833 | M to Th. 9 AM - 3 PM.
LEADERSHIP IN WORSHIP | Ushers, Greeters, Liturgist
Join us in enhancing worship beyond prayer and singing. We're looking for ushers, greeters, liturgists, and more to enrich the worship experience. Contact the church office at 352-357-2833 or email to sign up or learn more.
Join us for fellowship before worship! Connect with the chancel choir, Resounding Brass, and fellow members. Enjoy coffee, juice, and pastries as we prepare for worship together.
it's almost time for our final Scuba VBS setup party! |
Grab your diving gear; it's almost time for our final Scuba VBS setup party! June 23rd, beginning at 12:30 PM (Lunch Provided). During this time, we will finish decorating the Fellowship Hall with a big focus on the stage set. Lunch will be provided. Please contact to let us know you'll be there! --- Thank you to everyone who has helped with our previous prep parties. The impact our VBS has on our community begins with you and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve with you all!
PASTOR MARIO WILL BE AWAY ON VACATION | June 17th to 20th and Sunday, June 23rd
Rev. Olivia Hoover, Co-Executive of the Presbytery of Central Florida, will be our guest preacher across all three worship services on Sunday, June 23rd. She will also assist in leading worship as Pastor Mario prepares to depart for the General Assembly.
5TH SUNDAY ONE WORSHIP ONLY | Vacation Bible School Take Over (6/30 @ 10:30 AM)
Join us for our cherished tradition as we come together for a special united worship on Sunday, June 30th, marking the 5th Sunday of the month. Gather in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30 AM, bringing your heart filled with joy and praise. Come to experience the revelation of Jesus from our enriching week of Vacation Bible School. Following worship, the Fellowship Committee extends a warm invitation to a delightful luncheon. They'll provide the main dish; you're encouraged to bring a covered dish to share. It's sure to be a win-win event. #Alleluia
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