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What's the Mission Committee up to?

Dalton Yancy

June, 2021

The Missions Committee met in May. Members present were Barbara Yancey, Chair and members: Elliott Owens, Scott Smith and Dalton Yancey.

The purpose of the meeting was to allocate the $12,000.00 of mission’s budgeted funds. Donations were allocated and checks from FPCEustis Treasurer were delivered to the following:

  1. The Lifeboat Project (Human Trafficking in Central FL) $3,500.00

  2. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (In the United States) $3,000.00

  3. Lake Cares Food Bank $2,000.00

  4. Life Choices of Lake County (High Risk Pregnancies) $2,000.00

  5. Habitat For Humanity (Eustis & North Lake Co) $1,000.00

  6. Open Door (Walk in Homeless Services, Eustis) $ 500.00

Total $ 12,000.00

Additionally, during the year, world missions were supported directly by the congregation with donations to the Heifer International Project ($2,070.00) and to One Great Hour of Sharing ($10,927) which includes the Bonnets & Bows offering. One Great Hour of Sharing funds are divided by the General Assembly with approximately one-third going to The Hunger Program, Disaster Assistance, and the Self Development Program. In the area of World Missions, almost $13,000.00 was given by our generous congregation, and through the FPCEustis Annual Church Budget, $12,000 went to local and US mission work.

Overall, First Presbyterian Church members have given almost $25,000 to mission projects along with the outpouring for Mom’s Morning Out, Vacation Bible School, the Fall Fest Children’s event (Parking Lot Halloween Games and Prizes) and the recent “Splash” Children’s Event. Add to this, the recent re-opening of Center Street Kitchen.

You can see robust mission activity by our church, supported by you the congregation! If you wish more information, please contact the Missions Committee.


Dalton Yancey, Generosity Team

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