We Worship.
Our worship focuses on God. We rely on the Scripture’s story of God’s grace granted us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In all of our services, we read Scripture, worship God through prayer, song, and a pastoral message. There is a special time set aside during each service for children.
Want to Know More? About us
Regular Worship Services
8:00 AM - First Light (Sanctuary)
Our early bird service is casual and intimate with traditional elements sprinkled in. In this service, participatory discussion is welcome.
9:30 AM - Contemporary (Fellowship Hall)
Our contemporary worship is the most casual. There is seating at tables with coffee and snacks available. Our praise band leads worship with tunes you're used to hearing on the radio.
11:00 AM - Traditions (Sanctuary)
Our final service is traditional in every sense. The Worship music is made up of piano, organ, chancel choir and brass ensemble. On select Sundays you'll hear our Gold Handbell Choir. This service also has responsive reading and hymns all led from the pulpit of our historic sanctuary.
There is a special time for children in each worship service. We also have SPLASH, our Sunday School for children ages 3 - 5th grade.
Our nursery is open for children ages 4 and under during all three worship services.
THE CURRENT youth learn while serving alongside our Sunday school teachers in SPLASH in each worship. They meet once a month for a time of fellowship and fun.

Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is known and recognized throughout Central Florida and beyond for its outstanding singing and quality music. They sing for the 11:00 "Traditions" worship services.
The choir's repertoire includes a broad range of music from Baroque to contemporary, Renaissance to Spirituals, from a cappella singing to being accompanied by an orchestra.
A dynamic and spirited musical team of singers of all ages, the Chancel Choir enthusiastically welcomes new singers. Auditions are not required.
Cindy Curtis
Handbell Choir
Considered one of the best handbell choirs in Florida, the Gold Handbell Choir has established itself with a long history of excellence.
The choir rings with seven octaves of handbells and seven octaves of hand chimes. The bell choir practices at 5pm on Wednesdays, August to May.
Although prior handbell experience is not required, music reading ability is necessary.
Cindy Curtis
Resounding Brass
What originally began with brass instrumentalists, Resounding Brass Plus now includes all instrumentalists- brass, woodwinds, strings, and percussion.
The Resounding Bradd Plus plays each week for 11:00 AM Traditions accompanying hymns as well as Chancel Choir anthems.
They are also known for their lively and inspiring music for preludes and postludes as well.
Cindy Curtis

The Crossing Band
The Crossing Praise Band is made up of people who love to play music and worship God with all of their hearts.
Some are self-taught while others are professionally trained.
Each week the musicians play a variety of songs with their unique sound to help usher in the Holy Spirit.
If you would like to join the team, contact Joy Holifield and be prepared to come and hang out and jam for Jesus!
Joy Holifield